I started my boxing career at St Albans & London Colney Amateur Boxing Club.

I walked into the boxing club in March 2012, with the mindset that I wanted to be a boxer, and the belief that, one day, I would become World Champion.

I was always trained by Jim Crawley, who was the head coach of the gym, and mentored by John Murphy. John Murphy had originally trained Jim, in the 80's, and John himelf was known throughout the boxing scene in England, for his knowledge and success that he had with all of his boxers in the 80's. But specifically, with his son Sean Murphy who always had a hand in helping me throughout my amateur career, and eventually became my first professional trainer.

13 December 2012

13 December 2012 was the date of my first fight. This fight was set up against a boxer from Finchley ABC. The boy had 4 fights, whereas this was going to be my debut.

However, I went into the bout with full confidence in my ability and after 3 x 2 minutes rounds of boxing, I had won my first bout. I was overjoyed to have won the fight, and it was an experience that I wanted again.

Boxing someone more experienced in my debut is something that could be seen as summing up most of my Amateur Career. Due to my successes and ability, more often than not, I was fighting those who were more experienced than I was, but this made me strive to improve in every training session and strive to become the best that I can be.

Picture on the left - February 2013 - 2nd Fight

My amateur career lasted for 7 years. Starting in December 2012, and my last fight being in June 2019.

Over my years of Amateur Boxing, I have shared the ring with many different styles of boxers, which helped shape me into becoming a better boxer as I was able to overcome many different styles, whilst also implementing style changes depending on the opposition.

I had 35 Amateur Fights, with 26 wins and 9 losses. In the amateurs, there were times where I matched up against far superior opposition, and with the experience I had, I should not have been in the same ring with them. There were times where the chance worked and I emerged victorious, and there were other times that I lost.


  • 2013 Haringey Box Cup Silver Medal

  • 2014 Haringey Box Cup Gold Medal

  • 2015 Senior Novices, Class B, Bronze Medal

  • 2017 Amateur Boxing Alliance Challenge Belt

  • 2017 Amateur Boxing Alliance National Elite Champion

  • 2019 Pakistan Boxing Federation Silver Medal

I had the honour of being selected for England teams;

  • 2016 English Clubs Select vs Lombardia Select

  • 2018 England (London ABA) vs Mexico

  • 2019 England (London ABA) vs Spain

Furthermore, I had the honour of being selected for the;

  • Pakistan National Team to compete at the 2019 Asian Championships

  • National Pakistan Olympic Squad in preparation for the 2020 Olympic Games.